Guest lecturer with an Erasmus+ teaching exchange grant at the University of Stirling, Scotland
2020 - current
Research assistant Department of General Psychology and Methodology, University of Bamberg
- Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Claus-Christian Carbon: *Adapting ourselves from dawn till dusk: On the psychological aspects of Human Enhancement and the possibility of the lost Human *
- Research interests:
- Human Enhancement
- Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Exopsychology
- Material Engagement
M.Sc Psychology at the University of Bamberg
- Thesis about the foundations of Exopsychology
- Grade: 1.6
B.Sc Psychology at the University of Bamberg
- Thesis about the motivational foundation of good performance in the video game "League of Legends"
- Grade: 1.6
Research Talks
- The Other in Exopsychology. Talk at the Einstein Circle: "Exploring otherness on earth and beyond: integrating perspectives from natural sciences, social sciences and humanities." (2023)
- Die Quadratur des Außerirdischen - Die Suche nach Extraterrestrischer Intelligenz an der Schnittstelle zwischen Philosophie und Psychologie. Fränkische Gesellschaft für Philosophie e.v. (2023).
- Z2x-Festival by German Newspaper “Zeit” on „strategic gamification“ (2021)
- Innovative teaching at the University of Bamberg (2020/21 & 2022/2023) ## Memberships
- Member of the NASA study and analysis group 25 on technosignatures